
Portal Black Replacement Panel

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This is a black replacement panel for Portal that will replace the silver panel that it came with. I had a handful of these panels from many years ago when I did the first run of black panel Portals and when I went through them to see which ones were in good enough condition to sell I honestly felt that almost none of them lived up to my standards. Rather than nix the whole idea I decided that I would take an unlimited number of orders for one day just like with the new black panel modules and make an order of black panels to replace people's older panels based on the order number. Rather than have a couple of crappy looking panels available I'd rather have you folks have some snazzy panels for Portal. As such please understand that it may take a week or two in order to ship your orders.

There are two possibilities for replacing the panel: either you have the tools and are prepared to replace the panel yourself or you ship your module back to me and I will replace the panel for you. If you are unsure about your ability to replace the panel without scratching it please ship the module to me. I will not be buying more of these panels so if I ship you the panel and you scratch it sadly that will be the panel that you are stuck with. I would rather do the work of replacing the panel then have you buy something from me and be disappointed. If you would like to ship me your module send me a message through the contact form after you buy your panel and I will email back with my shipping information.

That being said if you feel confident replacing the panel yourself there are some links to tools below:




There is not a limited quantity of these panels but once the sale ends we are never making these panels again. If you want them now is your chance: that's part of the game. Best of luck.

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